Your first visit with us

What to Expect

When you first visit, there’s a bit of paperwork that we need in order to help our Practitioners determine the right way to manage your concerns.

You can download these forms to fill in before your appointment by clicking here, or you can complete them by arriving prior to your appointment.

Once the paperwork is completed, your Chiropractor will review your forms and conduct an interview along with a series of chiropractic, orthopedic and neurological tests to establish the state of your spinal health.

If required, we will take x-rays in our clinic (additional fees apply). Under normal circumstances, we don’t recommend x-rays for people who aren’t fully grown, and we never x-ray pregnant or suspected pregnant women.

Once we have collected and assessed all the relevant information, your Chiropractor will give you their recommendation for treatment and an adjustment will be completed as required.